
A guide to practicing care in journalism
The guide “Taking Care” by jesikah maria ross emphasizes the importance of practicing care in journalism, offering practical tips and insights for creating impactful and healing storytelling.
Gather is a project + platform to support community-minded journalists and other engagement professionals. Our mission: make journalism more responsive to the public’s needs and more inclusive of the public’s voices and diversity, by helping journalists, educators, and students who share these values find each other, find resources and best practices, and find support and mentorship. Learn more about Gather.
The guide “Taking Care” by jesikah maria ross emphasizes the importance of practicing care in journalism, offering practical tips and insights for creating impactful and healing storytelling.
Borderless launched a pilot initiative to meet its communities where they’re at by using Spanish-speaking canvassers to spend 12 weeks engaging with Latino community members in different neighborhoods each week to hear about how the magazine could better serve the people.
Community engagement often happens in real time—through social media, events, or private conversations—which means colleagues and readers might miss valuable insights. Our panel shared what they’ve learned about effective community engagement practices.
“I really want to be at least aware of what’s working and what’s not working in social, newsletters, analytics, subscriber retention, etc. in other newsrooms, and I’ve learned so much already from being a member of this workspace.”
“I’m passionate about using search engines and optimizing for them for the good of newsrooms and of their audiences. I would love to have the conversation around sharing news via search get as big as the conversation around social, and hope I’m doing my part!”
“I learned about Gather and it was a complete game changer. Having the opportunity to think and create with innovative media professionals across the world is an absolute dream! It’s impacted my work in immeasurable ways.”