Gather is a project + platform to support community-minded journalists and other engagement professionals.
The Mission
Our mission is to make journalism more responsive to the public’s needs and more inclusive of the public’s voices and diversity, by helping journalists, educators, and students who share these values find each other, find resources and best practices, and find support and mentorship. Please check out and consider our community agreements to support an experience that makes everyone feel welcome and respected.
Who’s Behind Gather
Gather is a collaborative project led by the Agora Journalism Center, the gathering place for innovation in communication and civic engagement, at the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism & Communication.
Andrew DeVigal
executive director of Gather and the Agora Journalism Center, the gathering place for innovation in communication and civic engagement, at University of Oregon’s School of Journalism & Communication
Alisha 王 Savson (formerly)
Currently in search of a…
community manager
Maia Laperle
content producer
Regina Lawrence
research director of the Agora Journalism Center

The platform was co-designed in collaboration with our steering and advisory committees, which include journalists, technologists, researchers, and engagement practitioners. Our current fantastic advisory committee members are:
Ashley Alvarado
director, community engagement at Southern California Public Radio
Carrie Brown
social journalism program director at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism
Peggy Holman
co-founder of Journalism That Matters
Gracie McKenzie
engagement editor at The Trace
Alicia Bell
News Voices organizing manager at Free Press
Emma Carew Grovum
newsroom strategist and tech/product consultant
Georgiana “Jo” Ilie
COO at Media DoR
Joy Mayer
director and founder
Trusting News
Yve Susskind
owner / principal of Praxis Associates LLC
Kim Bode
product manager, newsletters and messaging at Los Angeles Times
Julia Haslanger
engagement technical account manager at Hearken
Lauren Katz
deputy engagement editor at Vox
David Rodriguez
census collaboration & community engagement specialist at Reveal
This project + platform is made possible through the generous grants from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Democracy Fund, and, and the News Integrity Initiative. Thank you.

Updated: June 2020