How can journalists who work with data and metrics help the rest of the newsroom learn from the insights gained? How can we turn numbers into stories that help journalists make decisions? In this special, hour-long video chat, hear from Jessica Lee Martin, Josh Awtry and Cory Brown about their experiences and bring your own ideas and questions.
Source: USA Today
OJA Finalists (USA TODAY Florida and Vox)
Join this special hour-long chat with two finalists in the first-ever ONA Gather Award for Engaged Journalism! We’ve got Eve Samples and Leah Voss from USA TODAY Florida to talk about their nominated project, “Florida Voices,” and Lauren Katz will share more about Vox’s nominated project, “Hospitals Kept ER Fees Secret. We Worked with Patients to Uncover Them.”
Hosting Live Events
We had a fruitful conversation on hosting live events with Sarah Binder the Engagement Manager of Iowa Ideas, Megan Finnerty the Director of the USA TODAY Network’s Storytellers Project, and jesikah maria ross the Senior Community Engagement Strategist at Capital Public Radio.