In this Lighting Chat, the panel of experts identify and talk about all the ways in which you’re probably project managing — even if it’s not in your job title — and learn tools and best practices to support your work.

In this Lighting Chat, the panel of experts identify and talk about all the ways in which you’re probably project managing — even if it’s not in your job title — and learn tools and best practices to support your work.
Join this special hour-long chat with two finalists in the first-ever ONA Gather Award for Engaged Journalism! We’ve got Eve Samples and Leah Voss from USA TODAY Florida to talk about their nominated project, “Florida Voices,” and Lauren Katz will share more about Vox’s nominated project, “Hospitals Kept ER Fees Secret. We Worked with Patients to Uncover Them.”
As a news organization, when should you consider creating a Facebook group, and what could the focus of the group be? Once you have one, how do you recruit and admit members? How (and how much) should you moderate conversation? And how will you measure the success of your efforts? Join Lauren Katz of Vox, Penny Riordan of GateHouse Media, and Hannah Wise of Dallas Morning News to find out.