Media 2070 for media reparations

Free Press is launching “Media 2070,” an in-depth research essay and organizing hub that documents and analyzes the history of media harm. Alicia Bell from Free Press talks about the origins and goals of the project, how they plan to engage their communities, and how you can stay in touch.

U.S. Census 2020

What can you expect from the Census 2020 rollout, and how can you learn about your community’s confusion and concerns around the Census? Join David Rodriguez from Reveal and Diana Montaño from SCPR to learn about their process, hear questions to help you prepare for reporting, and find resources to support your Census engagement work.

Funding for Engagement Work

Are you looking for outside funding for your engagement work? In this 30-minute video chat, we’ll talk to Molly de Aguiar of the News Integrity Initiative, Paul Waters of Democracy Fund, and Karen Rundlet of the Knight Foundation who represent organizations that offer funding to support journalism. What do they wish journalists knew about how to find funding?

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