The topic was hosted by Joy Mayer about how engagement work connects to the financial health of our organizations.
Topic: Engagement Reporting
Engagement Tools
We chatted about engagement tools. Poynter’s Ren LaForme hosted.
Applying for Engagement Jobs
We chatted with Joy Mayer about what it takes to successfully apply for engagement jobs. What story should you tell about yourself? What format should your portfolio take? What pitfalls should you avoid, especially when talking to hiring editors who don’t specialize in engagement?
Hiring for Engagement
We chatted with Terry Parris Jr. of ProPublica, Summer Fields of Hearken, and Julia Haslanger of Hearken about hiring for engagement. What should you look for in job candidates? What questions should you ask them? How is hiring for these jobs different from other journalism gigs?
Teaching Engagement
We chatted about teaching engagement. How is engagement being taught to journalism students, and how SHOULD it be taught? Everyone’s welcome to this conversation with Lori Shontz, Joy Mayer and other educators.
ONA Engagement Highlights
Do you have takeaways to share from the Online News Association conference? Or are you dying to hear what your engagement colleagues learned? Join us for a super quick rundown of some highlights hosted by Joy Mayer.
Engagement Toolkit
Free Press created a toolkit designed to show newsrooms how they go about doing the engagement they do at Free Press. It’s focused on face-to-face engagement. Fiona Morgan explored how to make it even better.