Kayla Christopherson and Cole Goins (The New School’s Journalism + Design program) guide us through three powerful exercises from their systems thinking toolkit, and Yvonne Wenger of the Baltimore Sun shares a practical take on how each exercise deepened her reporting process.
Learn about Southern California Public Radio’s engaged journalism work and Alabama Media Group’s project “Reckon Women: Motherhood.” Both are finalists for the 2020 OJA Gather Award in the Overall Excellence category.
The Solutions Journalism Network offers 16 steps for innovative newsrooms to navigate a better future for themselves and their communities. A better, more sustainable path might be easier than you might think. One key is to foster deeper relationships with your audiences as partners rather than customers/audience members. Another is to write about how communities are rebuilding and reviving just as well as you cover breakdowns, problems and collapse.
Let’s talk about how to take care of ourselves while balancing a job that’s constantly demanding more, an audience that has plenty to say and a news cycle that won’t stop. Chaseedaw Giles of Kaiser Health News and Melissa Daniels of The Desert Sun will bring tips from their ONA session to this lightning chat.
Join this special hour-long chat with two finalists in the first-ever ONA Gather Award for Engaged Journalism! Darryl Holliday will talk about City Bureau’s nominated project, and Megan Lucero will share more about Bureau Local’s engagement work nominated under the “Portfolio” category.
Join this special hour-long chat with two finalists in the first-ever ONA Gather Award for Engaged Journalism! Ashley Alvarado will talk about Southern California Public Radio’s engagement work nominated under the “Portfolio” category, and Cara Williams Fry and Lisa Wardle will dive into WITF’s nominated project, “Three Mile Island Accident’s 40th Anniversary.”
What are the biggest challenges specific to engagement work — both for internal communication on an engagement team and for communication with the rest of the organization? What about engagement work and about audience + community relationships and interactions most need to be communicated? What tools and strategies are helpful? Join Kim Bui and Emma Carew Grovum to find out.
What Vulnerable Communities Stand to Gain — or Lose — from Sharing Their Stories with Reporters, and What Reporters are Doing About It. With this guide, I aim to help journalists navigate the ethical dilemmas they encounter as they interview people who have experienced harm. While there are numerous practical guides on such interviewing, especially on trauma journalism, I have yet to find a guide that explores the deeper ethical questions of what conditions, if any, make such journalism morally justifiable and not purely extractive or voyeuristic. Here’s the backstory from NiemanLab.