Media 2070 for media reparations

Free Press is launching “Media 2070,” an in-depth research essay and organizing hub that documents and analyzes the history of media harm. Alicia Bell from Free Press talks about the origins and goals of the project, how they plan to engage their communities, and how you can stay in touch.

Getting started on DEI Audits with Chalkbeat

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) audits are one way to check how well your coverage and staff reflect the communities you serve. But how can you get started? Join Caroline Bauman and Bene Cipolla from Chalkbeat as they share why Chalkbeat decided to conduct a DEI audit, how they defined the scope of their first audit, what they’ve learned, and what’s next.

Moving Events Online During COVID-19

Tony Federico, technical director at KPCC/LAist, has been helping the newsroom pivot from in-person events to online events. He’s swamped (and may have to reschedule if Friday’s events demand it) but is happy to take questions from Gather about how they’re making it work. Based on what Ashley Alvarado says, Tony sounds like the guy the rest of us wish we had on hand to make our ideas happen.

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